Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (Q1 2024)

Concierge: Anjali Sebastian and Noa Hacker
Patient name: Nethiyar Nair
Patient age: 73
Admission Date: 03/31/2014
Admitted From: Westchester Medical Center
Discharge Date: 04/01/2024
Discharged To: home
Length of Stay: 10 years
Reason for Stay: Tuberculous Meningitis

Details of Experience:

Mr. Nair moved to the United States from New Delhi, India, in 2013 and was immediately diagnosed with TB meningitis, the deadliest form of meningitis, which only affects approximately 100 people annually. Mr. Nair’s prognosis was grim, and he was not expected to survive. After a few months of battling in the hospital, Mr. Nair arrived at The Grove (then Hebrew Home Hospital) in March 2014. Mr. Nair arrived in dire shape, requiring 24-hour care, observation, and a peg tube for a few months. Besides his physical state, Mr. Nair had difficulty with his situation, translated into feelings of sadness and defeat.

At the start of his journey here at The Grove, Mr. Nair experienced numerous hurdles. The admitting hospital papers indicated his chances of walking again were extremely slim. Initially, the outcomes were quite minimal, and it took approximately 3-4 months to see preliminary improvement in his physical state. Mr. Nair eventually recognized the possibilities for a healthy future, which inspired him to work toward his goals.

After a few months of intensive therapy and medical care, his condition improved tremendously, and everyone, Mr. Nair at the helm, began to believe that a miracle was possible. His treatment protocol included electro-stimulation therapy, strengthening, and muscle building. With faith and prayer, as well as communal support and familial support, particularly from Mr. Nair’s wife, Radha, Mr. Nair has been able to gain the motivation to exceed the expectations set for him at the onset of his journey.

While initially requiring a maximum assist of two people for both transferring and standing, Mr. Nair has now gained a lot of strength and motor control, enabling him to perform these skills with limited assistance of one person or with supervision. Mr. Nair can now walk up to 200 feet using a front-wheeled rolling walker and one flight of stairs using bilateral hand railing, both skills with limited assistance. Having gained a lot of upper body strength, Mr. Nair can now perform all of his activities of daily living (ADLS) alone or with minimal assistance, all critical skills for him to regain before moving back home.

Mr. Nair has gained a tremendous amount of independence that he thought he had lost, leaving us a different person than the one who first arrived at the Grove. Mr. Nair and his family are forever grateful to the Grove for becoming both a home and a family for him for the past 10 years. Everyone who has crossed paths with Mr. Nair throughout his stay has impacted him tremendously and shaped who he is upon his departure from The Grove. He is leaving with renewed strength in both physical and emotional realms, understanding he could not have reached this pinnacle of success without the work, love, and support the Team at The Grove provided.

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Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (Q4 2023)

Concierge: Noa Hacker
Patient name: Michael Fraser
Patient age: 62
Admission Date: 10/04/23
Admitted From: Westchester Medical Center
Discharge Date: 12/12/23
Discharged To: home
Length of Stay: 69 days
Reason for Stay: Below Knee Amputation (BKA)
How did the patient hear about The Grove: Through the recommendation of his cousin Janeze Dennis, who was previously employed as a PTA at the Grove.

Details of Experience:

Mr. Fraser’s health journey began in January when he injured his big toe, unknowingly leading to infection. Initially treated for gout, it was not until July that he realized the treatment was ineffective, and his foot was turning black. Seeking help from Dr. Mateo at Westchester Medical Center, a vascular physician, it was determined that the toe was gangrenous, necessitating amputation. Following the procedure, Mr. Fraser underwent a week of rehab at Taylor Care at Westchester Medical Center to adapt to life without a big toe. Unfortunately, a post-amputation setback occurred, revealing persistent infection and blocked arteries in his leg.

Faced with the choice of a short-term bypass surgery or a below-knee amputation (BKA), Mr. Fraser, after extensive consultation with family and friends, opted for the BKA. Post-amputation, he spent three weeks at Taylor Care before transferring to the Grove on the recommendation of his cousin and former therapist at the Grove, Janeze Dennis.

The initial phase at the Grove was to help Mr. Fraser become independent, progressing from using a Hoyer Lift to transferring in and out of the dialysis chair independently. Subsequent steps involved wound healing, prosthetic measurement, selecting the right sock, and testing out the fit of the prosthetic.

Once all was set in place with the prosthetic, the trajectory of Mr. Fraser’s stay began with learning how to use his prosthetic, followed by implementing its use in activities of daily living and learning how to become fully independent. Tibu and Chris worked with Mr. Fraser toward achieving his goals of regaining strength and mastering various walking techniques using tools such as a bike, arm lifting, push-ups, and weights. His final goal was to transition away from using a walker when possible, which he has mastered.

At the conclusion of his journey, Mr. Fraser is now self-sufficient in all daily activities, adept at walking with a cane, negotiating stairs, and ambulating outdoors, as well as independently managing his prosthetic. Despite the challenges, Mr. Fraser emerged as the fastest amputee to heal and receive a prosthetic at the Grove, now walking independently and occasionally without a walker.

Throughout his time at the Grove, Mr. Fraser interacted with Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler, Champions of the CareRite Comprehensive Amputee Rehabilitation Program, who shared their experiences with their amputations and prosthetic journeys, offering valuable insights on utilizing the prosthetics for activities such as stair climbing and walking with a single rail. Mr. Fraser commends their vast knowledge and upbeat disposition, highlighting their support and encouragement. Inspired by their ability to drive, he remains hopeful about his recovery.

Mr. Fraser’s most significant takeaway from his Grove experience is the professionalism and camaraderie among the therapists, noting their friendly approach that made him feel more like a friend than a patient. He advises everyone, “While it would be nice not to get hurt, I highly recommend the Grove and their therapists if you do.”

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Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (Q1 2023)

Concierge: Eli David
Patient name: Joan Perales
Patient age: 68
Admission Date: 1/18/23
Admitted From: White Plains Hospital
Discharge Date: 4/27/23
Discharged To: home
Length of Stay: 3 months
Reason for Stay: Left radial fracture

Details of Experience:

Joan Perales was admitted to The Grove following her discharge from White Plains Hospital due to a left radial fracture and a traumatic closed non-displaced fracture of the pubis resulting from a fall. Ms. Perales, originally from the Bronx, sought a short-term rehabilitation center where she could recover in a positive and supportive environment. After being recommended to The Grove, Ms. Perales was accepted as a patient.

Upon arrival, she was non-weight bearing and unable to perform basic activities of daily living, including ambulation, sitting up, dressing, bathing, and using the bathroom without assistance. She required a two-person assist for transfer in and out of bed. Under the guidance of her dedicated physical and occupational therapists, Ms. Perales received therapy six days a week to regain her independence. Towards the end of her stay, Ms.Perales had achieved significant progress, demonstrating the ability to perform activities of daily living independently and ambulate up to 75 feet. She is scheduled to return home to her family at the end of the month.

Throughout her stay at The Grove, Ms. Perales appreciated the kindness and warmth of her therapy and nursing teams, who continually motivated and encouraged her to work towards a full recovery. She would like to acknowledge Tibu, Ro, Michelle, Veronica, Ava, Pauline, and especially Rupertine for their outstanding care and support. Before her hospitalization, Ms. Perales was a dental assistant for 30 years. She enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, feeding the birds, and cooking her favorite dish of lasagna.

The team at The Grove is extremely proud of Ms.Perales’ journey to recovery and wishes her all the best in her continued progress.

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Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (Q3 2022)

Director Concierge: Elliot Davidson
Patient Age: 74
Re-Admission Date: 6/6/22
Admitted From: Westchester Medical Center
Discharge Date: TBD
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 108
Reason for Stay: BKA

Details of Experience:

Olga Deas arrived at The Grove from Westchester Medical Center, after surgery for a BKA (Below Knee Amputation). Olga is originally from the Bronx, New York, and still lives there today with her daughter and granddaughter.

Olga was at The Grove a few months prior before having her surgery. She had chosen The Grove as a result of hearing very positive comments and being highly recommended by the Hospital.
Olga required Physical and Occupational Therapy services to increase independence with tasks, dressing techniques, energy conservation during ADLs (Activities Daily Living) techniques to increase safety for ADLs, increase LE ROM (lower extremity range of motion), increase functional activity tolerance, improve balance and promote safety awareness, in order to enhance the patient’s quality of life by improving their ability to return to their prior level of functional abilities.

When Olga originally came to The Grove, she could not ambulate and required assistance to transfer herself to bed, wheelchair, or toilet. Currently, Olga is able to ambulate with her prosthetic leg and transfer herself to bed from her wheelchair. She is also able to dress herself and is able to perform daily tasks independently.

Olga has an amazing outlook on life! Despite having certain challenges, she is so positive and appreciative of everything she has. What Olga appreciated the most was how professional and kind all the staff was, from housekeeping to the CNAs to the PT and OT therapists. Olga is especially grateful to her therapists, Angie and Jerry, for always motivating her, pushing her to work hard, and helping her accomplish all she has.

Before her hospitalization, Olga worked as a Registered Nurse (RN) at Harlem Hospital for over 40 years. In her spare time, Olga enjoys spending time with family and friends and playing scrabble and cards.

We are extremely proud of Olga’s rehabilitation process and how much she has accomplished.

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Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (Q2 2022)

Director Concierge: Elliot Davidson
Patient Age: 56
Admission Date: 2/1/21
Admitted From: Hudson Valley Medical Center
Discharge Date: 5/27/22
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 479 Days
Reason for Stay: AKA (Above Knee Amputation)

Details of Experience:

Ronald Davis arrived at The Grove from Hudson Valley Medical Center after surgery for an AKA (Above Knee Amputation). Ronald is originally from Peekskill, New York, and still lives there today. After Ronald had the surgery, he and his family were looking for the best option for him to rehabilitate. They chose The Grove of Valhalla due to all the positive things they have heard and having his sisters live nearby.

Ronald required Physical and Occupational Therapy services to increase LE ROM (lower extremity range of motion) and strength, increase functional activity tolerance, improve balance and promote safety awareness in order to enhance the patient’s quality of life by improving their ability to return to their prior level of functional abilities. When Ronald originally came to The Grove, he could not ambulate, required assistance in standing/sitting, and required assistance to transfer himself to bed, wheelchair, and/or toilet. By the end of Ronald’s stay at The Grove, he had achieved modified independence, and he could transfer himself to and from his bed, wheelchair, and toilet and could perform daily tasks independently. 

What Ronald appreciated the most was how the PT and OT therapists worked with and motivated him to get stronger and independent again, as well as the nursing staff being so attentive and caring, such as Paula, Sara, Ava, Tamara, and Sandra. Ronald is now going to his home in Peekskill, New York, where he is excited and hopeful to be able to live and do things independently again.

Prior to his hospitalization, Ronald worked as a Delegate for 1199 and was a Maintenance Director for York Town Rehab. In his personal time, Ronald enjoys reading, fishing, and watching sports. We are extremely proud of Ronald’s rehabilitation process. The team at

The Grove strives to meet our patients’ and residents’ needs and expectations. Through hard work and dedication, Ronald reached his goals.

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Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (Q1 2022)

Concierge: Elliot Davidson
Patient Age: 83
Admission Date: 7/9/21
Admitted From: Westchester Medical Center
Discharge Date: 3/7/22
Discharged To: Atria Assisted Living
Length of Stay: 241 Days
Reason for Stay: BKA (Below the Knee Amputee)

Details of Experience:
Bernard Walker arrived at The Grove from Westchester Medical Center after having a below-the-left knee amputation. Bernard grew up in Yonkers, New York; before Bernard came to The Grove, he lived in Wappinger, New York, for the past ten years. Bernard and his family were looking for the best option for him to rehabilitate, gain his strength back and learn to become independent again. They chose The Grove at Valhalla after Bernard’s daughter researched the community and its location.

Bernard required skilled physical and occupational therapy services to increase LE ROM (lower extremity range of motion) and strength, increase functional activity tolerance, and improve balance to enhance his quality of life by improving his ability to become more independent. When Bernard first came to The Grove, he could not transfer himself to his wheelchair, bed, or toilet, sit or stand by himself, and was unable to ambulate with a walker. By the end of his stay, with some supervision, Bernard was able to sit and stand by himself, transfer himself to bed, wheelchair and toilet, and was able to walk with a walker himself!

What Bernard loved most about The Grove was working with the Physical and Occupational Therapists who helped him get his strength back and become independent. He loved that they always motivated him to work hard.

Bernard has been retired for the past ten years. Some of his hobbies are going to the shooting range and even participating in tournaments. Before his retirement, he was a Project Superintendent for a successful construction company. Bernard is now going to Atria Assisted Living, where he is excited and hopeful. He is looking forward to the challenge of having to do things on his own.

We are extremely proud of Bernard’s rehabilitation process. The team at The Grove strives to meet the needs and expectations of our patients and residents. Bernard reached his goals through hard work and dedication, and he is forever grateful.

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Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (September 2021)

Patients Age: 66-years-old
Admission Date: 9/1/2021
Admitted from: Phelps Hospital
Discharge Date: 10/1/2021
Length of stay: 1 month
How did this patient hear about The Grove at Valhalla: The patient heard about The Grove through Phelps Hospital
Reason for stay: The patient was admitted due to a tibial fracture following a fall. The primary reason for the patient’s stay was rehabilitation.

Details of Experience:
At just 66 years old, Karen did not see herself being admitted to a subacute rehabilitation center. Unfortunately, an unexpected fall in her home left her with a fractured tibia and the inability to walk. Upon admission, it became clear to all of our staff here at The Grove that Karen was a fighter and determined to walk out of our doors and get back home as soon as possible.

Karen was alone in her room one day when she suffered an unfortunate fall resulting in a tibial fracture. She spent some time in Phelps hospital before being referred and admitted to our community to receive rehabilitation. Right away, Karen began her physical and occupational therapy, slowly bearing weight on her leg and progressing towards her goal of walking. Karen worked closely with physical therapists Patsy and Caterina and was soon out of bed and walking independently with a walker. Within exactly a month, Karen was safely discharged home. She came into our community unable to walk, but with the help of each of our team members, she was able to walk out of our doors in no time at all, just as she had hoped.

Upon her discharge, Karen shared that she was very grateful for the nursing staff, who kept her medically cared for at all times. She could not speak highly enough of our wonderful nurse Ava, CNA’S Rubertine and Idelia, and Nurse Practitioner Amoy. Karen also expressed gratitude for our amazing social work team, specifically Tonia, who helped her prepare for a safe and speedy discharge home, secure with all necessary home services. Last but not least, Karen emphasized just how fantastic our rehabilitation team is both on a professional and personal level.

Karen was an absolute joy to have as a patient here at The Grove. Her quick wit and sharp sense of humor brightened our days and kept her motivated towards reaching her goals. As a mother to two children and grandmother to a 10-year-old grandson, Karen had a busy life to get back to. Her unfortunate tibia fracture caused her to put a pause on her busy life, but our team helped get her back on her feet and back to her family.

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Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (February 2021)

Patients Age: 73-years-old
Admission Date: 12/24/20
Dishcharge Date: 02/03/21
Discharged To: Home
Reason for Stay: Lower leg wound, edema, cellulitis

Details of Experience:
For some, the idea of spending time in a Skilled Nursing and Rehab Center can be a bit daunting. For Cynthia, this was not the case. Cynthia has been to The Grove on two separate occasions. So when she was sent to the hospital due to cellulitis, wounds, weeping venous stasis ulcer, and edema, she knew exactly where she wanted to go.

Cynthia’s arrival to The Grove for the third time was a bit different from her previous arrivals. It was the day before Christmas. She realized she wouldn’t be spending Christmas with her sister, as she did every year. Feeling a bit down, she remembered the excellent care and services provided during her previous stays and was looking forward to reuniting with some staff members she had befriended.

Cynthia was evaluated and assessed by the Nursing and Rehab Team and it was determined what her plan of care would be. Cynthia shared that she has been having a decrease in strength and mobility and would like to work on those areas in particular. Cynthia presented the need for moderate assistance for the completion of self-care tasks and required maximum assistance for mobility and transfers. Cynthia was excited to be working again with Marlene from PT. Marlene knew exactly what Cynthia’s capabilities and abilities were and knew which areas to target. After enjoying a delicious Christmas dinner prepared by the in-house chef, Cynthia went to sleep and was eager to begin her therapy.

Cynthia worked closely together with her PT, Marlene, and her OT, Christie, to be able to get back to her prior level of function. Using the stairs was quite a challenge for Cynthia but she was eager and determined. Soon enough, she was able to complete 12 steps. Cynthia started off being able to ambulate 40 feet, Marlene shared specific techniques to increase strength balance which helped Cynthia reach 200 feet with a rolling walker!
A lover of music, Cynthia was excited to see Nathan again. Nathan is part of the Recreation Team and plays guitar on the units and provides a calming relaxing atmosphere. To maintain proper social distancing, group music sessions have now become one on one room sessions with Nathan going from room to room to provide classical tunes for all to enjoy.

After spending about a month at The Grove, Cynthia was making tremendous gains in therapy. Ambulating 40 feet upon admission, Cynthia can now ambulate 300 feet with supervision. From doing 0 steps initially, Cynthia can now complete 15 steps. “I’ve got five steps to get into my apartment, now I can go up, down, and back up again in one shot,” shares Cynthia. After sitting together with the Interdisciplinary Team, it was decided that Cynthia is safely ready to go home.

Cynthia’s transportation and Home Health Services were arranged by Social Services and set up for 2/3/21. “There’s a reason why I came back three times, I truly feel like I have another family here,” Cynthia shares.

“We hope to see you again Cynthia!” Kariann the receptionist exclaims to Cynthia as she walks through the lobby with her rolling walker. Jokingly, Cynthia smiles and asks, “As a friend or a patient?” With that, Cynthia blew a kiss to Kariann and walked out the front door.

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Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (January 2021)

Patients Age: 75-years-old
Admission Date: 12/28/20
Dishcharge Date: 01/15/21
Discharged To: Home
Reason for Stay: Seizures, AKI, Difficulty in walking

Details of Experience:
Sylvia enjoyed living alone. Growing up with three brothers and two sisters, it was nice to have a bedroom and bathroom to call her own. Sylvia cooked, cleaned, drove, took out the garbage, paid her bills all by herself, and enjoyed having these responsibilities. Her daughter did not live far and spoke with her daily. Sylvia enjoyed it when she visited with her dog, Lily.

Sylvia’s daughter came to visit on Thursday morning and was surprised when there was no answer when she rang the doorbell. Thankfully she had a key to the apartment and was horrified to see Sylvia passed out on the floor. 911 was called and Sylvia was brought to White Plains Hospital and spent the next eight days there. After being treated for seizures, hypertension, and acute kidney injury, Sylvia needed some skilled nursing and rehabilitative services. Her daughter did some online research and chose The Grove at Valhalla.

Sylvia arrived at The Grove on December 28th and was escorted to her room. She was evaluated by all departments to be able to quickly implement her rehabilitation regimen. “I have never been to a Nursing/Rehab Center before and was a bit unsure of how it would go. From the moment the first staff member came to say hello, I knew I was going to be ok,” shares Sylvia.

Sylvia was assessed for OT by Joselito and PT by Tibu. It was determined that she would benefit from skilled rehabilitation, which would include therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular reeducation, wheelchair management, and self-care training. When asked what her goals to be achieved were, Sylvia shared, “to be able to get back to my prior level of function.” With Sylvia’s determination and willpower, her therapy journey began.

Sylvia participated in our therapy program six days a week, “they worked me real good,” Sylvia exclaimed! With eight steps to enter/exit her apartment building, this was something that she was looking to master. Her therapy sessions focused on walking, strength, mobility, gross motor coordination, and of course, the stairs.

Sylvia worked hard for two weeks and felt motivated by the team to continue this momentum to be able to go back home. Completing a tub transfer all by herself, graduating to a rolling walker, and completing eight steps, Sylvia was able to start the discharge process.

“The staff here are kind, respectful, and make you feel at home. I’m excited to go home, but I’m kind of sad to leave,” Sylvia shared. Social Service arranged transportation and home health services that way everything was ready for Sylvia when she arrived home.

After 18 days spent at The Grove, Sylvia walked through the front doors feeling rejuvenated and anew.

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Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (October 2020)

Patients Age: 55-years-old
Admission Date: 06/03/20
Admitted From: Westchester Medical Center
Dishcharge Date: 10/29/20
Discharged To: Home
Reason for Stay: Fractured Hip

Details of Experience:
Mr. Murphy was admitted to The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on June 3rd 2020, with an admitting diagnosis of below-the-knee-amputation (BKA). This was his first time in a Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and he was feeling a bit apprehensive, at first. “The second I entered the lobby and took a look at the décor and smelled the sweet scent emanating from the building, I knew I was in the right place.”

Mr. Murphy met with all team members upon admission and discussed care plans and goals he would like to reach. Mr. Murphy was evaluated by his Occupational Therapists who observed him, with a decrease in balance and requiring skilled OT services to assess safety with ADL’s and develop/instruct on compensatory strategies. The Physical Therapy team discussed being able to transfer in and out of bed without side rails. Mr. Murphy always relied on side rails for maneuvering and transferring, but he was ready to overcome his fear of living without them. Mr. Murphy mentioned that there are a few steps to get into his apartment which the therapists took note of and were ready to work on with him.

During his stay at The Grove, Mr. Murphy was introduced to Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler from our signature Amputee Walking School Program, which is exclusive to the Care Rite Centers Network. Todd and Dennis, world-renowned Paralympic Gold Medalists, have mentored over 20,000 amputees worldwide! They have created this program to cater specifically to patients contemplating amputation or have undergone a procedure in the past. Dennis and Todd worked closely with Mr. Murphy, monitoring his progress and keeping in touch by visits to the facility and phone calls. When his prosthesis arrived, Mr. Murphy worked with Moshe, our prosthetist, who helped fit and stabilize his walking and comfort, together with Dennis and Todd.

On October 19th, the Nursing and Rehab teams came to the decision that James would be ready to go home the following week! Mr. Murphy was able to perform bed mobility without the use of side rails and completed commode transfer training. Being able to get dressed, make his bed, don and doff his prosthesis on his own, Mr. Murphy’s OT goals were complete. Mr. Murphy made great progress with PT by being able to ambulate 100 feet on level surfaces and safely ambulating 350 feet using his Bilateral Axillary crutches. Additionally, he ascended/descended 15 stairs with supervision and using handrails.

“It was very encouraging to meet Todd and Dennis. I’m going to be keeping in touch with them and call them when I get home. They were very motivating and now I am able to see how I am going to walk just like them,” Mr. Murphy shared about his experience with Dennis and Todd. “I’m starting to get used to my prosthesis. It’s feeling good and comfortable. It was such a pleasure meeting them.”

Mr. Murphy walked out of The Grove on October 29th, wearing his prosthesis, feeling like a new person. Arriving at The Grove in June with a feeling of doubt and despair, Mr. Murphy discharged with a smile. He expressed tremendous gratitude to the staff for giving him another chance at being able to walk and live independently.

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