Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (Q1 2023)

Concierge: Eli David
Patient name: Joan Perales
Patient age: 68
Admission Date: 1/18/23
Admitted From: White Plains Hospital
Discharge Date: 4/27/23
Discharged To: home
Length of Stay: 3 months
Reason for Stay: Left radial fracture

Details of Experience:

Joan Perales was admitted to The Grove following her discharge from White Plains Hospital due to a left radial fracture and a traumatic closed non-displaced fracture of the pubis resulting from a fall. Ms. Perales, originally from the Bronx, sought a short-term rehabilitation center where she could recover in a positive and supportive environment. After being recommended to The Grove, Ms. Perales was accepted as a patient.

Upon arrival, she was non-weight bearing and unable to perform basic activities of daily living, including ambulation, sitting up, dressing, bathing, and using the bathroom without assistance. She required a two-person assist for transfer in and out of bed. Under the guidance of her dedicated physical and occupational therapists, Ms. Perales received therapy six days a week to regain her independence. Towards the end of her stay, Ms.Perales had achieved significant progress, demonstrating the ability to perform activities of daily living independently and ambulate up to 75 feet. She is scheduled to return home to her family at the end of the month.

Throughout her stay at The Grove, Ms. Perales appreciated the kindness and warmth of her therapy and nursing teams, who continually motivated and encouraged her to work towards a full recovery. She would like to acknowledge Tibu, Ro, Michelle, Veronica, Ava, Pauline, and especially Rupertine for their outstanding care and support. Before her hospitalization, Ms. Perales was a dental assistant for 30 years. She enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, feeding the birds, and cooking her favorite dish of lasagna.

The team at The Grove is extremely proud of Ms.Perales’ journey to recovery and wishes her all the best in her continued progress.