Case Study: The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation & Nursing Center (August 2020)

Patients Age: 83-years-old
Admission Date: 07/27/20
Admitted From: Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
Discharged To: Home
Reason for Stay: Fractured Hip
How did this patient hear about The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation and Nursing Center? Referred to The Grove by the team at the Hospital and proximity to family

Details of Experience:
Catherine was enjoying a cup of tea in her living room when she noticed that the pillow on her couch just did not look right. When she got up to fix the pillow, she lost her balance and fell. She was taken to Brooklyn Methodist Hospital where she was diagnosed with a fractured hip. After spending two weeks in the hospital, Nursing and Rehabilitation Services were suggested for Catherine by the Hospital Team. Living alone in Brooklyn with family residing in Westchester County, Catherine and her children investigated different facilities outside of Brooklyn so her children and grandchildren could visit. After searching online and reading reviews, Catherine and her family chose The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation and Nursing Center.

Catherine was admitted to The Grove on July 27, 2020 and was instantly impressed with the beautiful lobby, the view from her room and the friendly greeting from our Receptionist! “I love that I can see trees, gardens, and beautifully manicured lawns from my window,” said Catherine as soon as she entered her room. After being evaluated by the Nursing and Rehabilitation teams, it was time to begin her journey.

Due to decreased ability to perform functional transfers, mobility and decreased independence in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), Catherine required skilled Occupational Therapy (OT) services to increase strength, safety awareness, balance and independence in ADLs. She was not able to dress or bathe without any assistance, so Catherine set up goals for herself with what she would like to achieve. “I would like to be able to get back to how I was! You know, wake up and go about my day!” Participating in therapy 6 times a week, Catherine worked closely with her therapist Michelle to accomplish her goals.

Catherine currently can walk 16 steps with minimal assistance, and she is ambulating 45 feet with contact guard assist. “Thanks to your staff, I am healing quicker than I ever thought I would! I’m only here for three weeks and I am miles ahead of where I thought I would be!” Catherine has made many friends during her stay at The Grove. Socializing with the other residents and getting to know the staff has really made her experience a positive one. “The therapy is excellent and very important, but I can’t stress enough how unbelievable your staff is. Every single person here as a warmth to them that makes you feel wanted.”

As her discharge date approached, Catherine prepared for life back at home. With all the new friendships she made here at The Grove, she was sad to leave but looking forward to her new chapter at home. “I’ve learnt a few things over these past few weeks. How to get dressed, bathe, walk with a walker, and most importantly- a crooked pillow sitting on the couch is not the end of the world!”

The team at The Grove wishes Catherine all the best!